Dienstag, 15. September 2009

IsC8Up - IBM Cognos 8 Heart Beat Checker

Today, I am proud to present you a self written program which checks your IBM Cognos 8 Environment for its availability. The programm is completly freeware, so don´t hesitate to install and use it. It is able to check your Cognos 8 Gateway, Dispatcher and Services for issues and notifies you by mail in case of an problem.
The check interval is 5 Minutes. Error messages -if available - will be included in the email body.

The program can be executed as windows service or as GUI.
The program is free to use. Advanced options can be developed on request.
If you have such an request or an error message don´t hesitate to contact me by mail.

Download -> IsC8Up
(Windows 200x, Win XP, Vista) (. NET 3.x)

Donnerstag, 10. September 2009

IBM Cognos 8 Sicherheitsgrundlagen

Below an interesting article for Cognos security questions. The document tries to clarify the following : "What is the best way to implement security in Cognos" and "What you should have look at, when you implement security in Cognos".

Unfortunately the article is only available in german at the moment.

IBM Cognos 8 Sicherheitsgrundlagen

Mittwoch, 19. August 2009

IBM Cognos TM1 quick integration guide for Cognos 8.4 BI

Currently as of Version 9.4.1x of IBM Cognos TM1 the documentation
for using CAM Security in TM1 is unfortunately incomplete and /or misleading.
Therefore I decided to write you a quick integration help.

  1. Install and configure IBM Cognos 8.4 on your system.

  2. Install IBM Cognos TM1.

  3. Install C8_TM1_Portlets_win32_8.4.28.4 to your Cognos 8.4 Directory

IBM Cognos Configuration

  1. Turn anonymous access "off"

  2. Add the TM1 server name to the valid domain list (CAF)

  3. Enable the share of session information for IBM Cognos 8

  4. remember your internal dispatcher URI and gateway URI


  1. Locate your TM1 Instance which you want to get work with IBM CAM Security (for example (\TM1\Custom\TM1Data\PlanSamp)

  2. Locate and open the file tm1s.cfg

  3. Add the following lines (comment existing entries out):
    ServerCAMURI=your internal dispatcher URI
    dispatchClientCAMURI=your IBM Cognos 8 Gateway URI
    CAMPortalVariableFile = portal\variables_TM1.xml
  4. Change the IntegratedSecurityMode to 4

  5. (IBM documentation says you should change it to 2 but thats wrong!)

  6. Locate and open the variables_TM1.xml file

  7. (can be usually found within your_cognos_8_installation_directory\templates\ps\portal)

    Add the following lines (comment existing - similar - entries out)


  8. Restart your TM1 Server and test the login.

  9. You shoud be able to login by Web and with Architect.
    Attention: You may need to assign appropiate rights to administer the server.
    You can do this by changing the parameter IntegratedSecurityMode back to its default (1) and assigning appropiate rights in Architect. (Syntax for the username is namespace_name\username)

If I missed something let me know!

Hv fun!

Montag, 17. August 2009

Look behind IBM Business Viewpoint with IBM Cognos 8.4 BI

Some days ago I had the chance to test IBM Cognos 8 Business Viewpoint and want to take the chance to write here some thoughts about it.
BV gives business users the ability to maintain, govern and share dimensional information from various sources (for example: csv files, excel and IBM Cognos 8 packages)

Even at early stage, it is a great tool for those aspects.
I am also pretty sure that this topic will get much higher priority in the upcoming years.
Surely, due to this early release of an MDM solution, IBM will have the chance to gather important feedback from customers while competitors (like Microsoft) still not have their products on the market. This is a huge benefit for IBM.


After the installation of version I got the message stating that the dll file "msvcp71.dll" is missing. Why?

The problem could be easily solved by copying the file from an existing bin directory of Cognos 8.4 to the bin of IBM Business Viewpoint. Apart from that, the installation and configuration of the tool was very handy. I don´t know why they did´nt implement a feature "test connection" for the database / content store as it is already implemented in IBM Cognos 8 BI but if you configured everything correctly the produt starts without any problems.. :-) Maybe they will implement this feature in a later release?

The service name "Tomcat Server" can not be renamed in the IBM Cognos Configuration and default to IBM Cognos 8 Business Viewpoint.


IBM Business Viewpoint has a new sexy,easy and understandable desinged Web Interface for the administration of the product.

All dimensions are imported into the same workspace. This may result - like in my case - in a high memory consumption on the client side. In addition end users may get confused since the don´t know what to edit. This could be handled through security but i would rather expect somehting like projects or solutions for editing.

After modification of the GOSalesFact_EN_MSAS2005 (Sample Package) it was not possible to apply the new dimension structure back to cognos connection (as by design). Trying to publish changes to the same package, the original one will be overwritten. But the new package is incomplete. The facts are missing. The new version will be unusable for any use in production. Publishing to IBM Cognos Connection makes just sense with a new package to verify your changes. If you are finished with you work you can export the new dimension structure to a flat file or a new framework manager model.

There are many types of different views available for editing. Trees, Lists, etc.
I highly recommend to install the available hot fix package C8_BV_SERVER_8_4_Win32_FP001 at minimum. I had terrible memory leaks within Internet Explorer 6.x with earlier versions of the product.
My IE needed more than 600 MB of RAM! Trying to publish all dimensions from the GOSalesFact_EN_MSAS2005 Package at a time resulted in Error:

" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0"

Looks like the developers did not expect many modifications at multiple dimensions or the publish of many dimensions at a time.


IBM Business Viewpoint is one of the first products on the market for professional Master Data Management. Business Users don´t need any in depth technical knowledge to make use of it.
Applying new dimensional data to the underlying sources does not work automatically (In my Case a MSAS Cube) The product is still at an early stage.
I am happy to see further improvement in error handling and functionality of this great tool.

Donnerstag, 13. August 2009

IBM Cognos 8.4 BI 64 Bit vs 32 Bit Benefits and Peformance

Actually one hot topic in the business is the use of 64 Bit Operating Systems and x64 programs.
Since the release of IBM Cognos 8.4 BI Customers and partners of IBM may also choose between a 32 bit or 64 bit version of their product.
But what are the differences and the benefits of those?
Since not all customers are fully aware about the differences I decided to do some tests combined with giving some more detailed information about the product.

First of all, some of you may be dissapointed because its not the entire product which is 64 bit, just it´s application engine (Web Interface also known as Cognos Connection) runs in a 64 bit application server. The report validation and processing engine (which is written in c++) still runs in a 32 bit mode.
This means that currently "only" web requests in a 64 Bit IBM Cognos environment can be handled faster and more efficient through the 64 bit java application server. Surely the overall main logic may benefit from the greater adress space and faster handling of requests but forget the idea to install a 64 Bit IBM Cognos 8.4 Server to get rid of some long running reports without changes on database side.

But let´s go to the details :-)

The environment:

32 Bit Version
Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 2.4 GHz
4 GB of RAM
Windows 2008 Server Standard Edition (32 Bit)
SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition with SP3 (32 Bit)
Cognos 8.4 (32 Bit)

64 Bit Version
same Hardware
Windows 2008 Server Standard Edition (64 Bit)
SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition with SP3 (64 Bit)
Cognos 8.4 (64 Bit)

The test:
3 new Report Studio reports based on MSAS 2005 and the Cognos sample package GOSalesFact_EN_MSAS20052 new Report Studio reports based on SQL Server 2005 and the Cognos sample package GO Data Warehouse (query)were run in at least a minimum of 70 to 100 iterations. The fastest report ran in 37 seconds, the most time consuming report completed after 9 minutes for one execution.All values are based on averages given from the No. of iterations.

To get an reproducable test case by avoiding any caching or other side effects I decided to use the rstest utiltiy which inherits the main logic of report processing. This tool is often used internally by IBM Cognos Information Management people and has some interesting features. You can find this tool in the Cognos 8.4 bin directory.

The results of rstest may not be comparable to an execution within Cognos Connection, since the bibustkservermain process caches a lot of data. In other words the test results should reflect a "first time execution in Cognos Connection" and therefore the maximum processing time a report may need. As already pointed out, the rstest and bibustkserver processes are both 32 bit programs.

Looking at the result table above, you may raise the question why the elapsed time for the 64 bit tests were always lower then the 32 bit values?
Answer: The database server and olap server (both 64 bit) were able to return the results faster back to the IBM Cognos report engine, this caused a faster execution.

The last column which is calculated from the rstest cpu time vs total elapsed shows clearly that the time the IBM Cognos process needed to finish was even higher than on the 32 bit system.
One reason for that could be the emulation for the 32 bit processes on a 64 bit system. Those emulations cost surely some time.


64 Bit is not necessarily faster than 32 bit. The 64 Bit version of Cognos 8.4 BI may improve performance for Cognos Connection activitites, especially if you have a high number of web users which are heavily using Cognos Connection. But don´t expect that your reports will run faster because of the installation of a 64 Bit version of IBM Cognos 8.4 BI.

Dienstag, 11. August 2009

IBM kauft SPSS für 1,2 Millarden Dollar

IBM hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt seinen Analytics Bereich weiter auszubauen und kauft den ehemaligen SoftwarePartner SPSS. IBM wird die Firma im Bereich Information Management platzieren. SPSS eine Firma die Hauptsächlich im Bereich der Auswertungen von Meinungsumfragen und Fragebögen bekannt ist, steht in direkter Konkurrenz zu SAS.

IBM ergänzt sein bestehendes BI Portfolio mit einer perfekten Predictive Analyicts Lösung und ist somit auch bestens für die weiter stattfindende Konsolidierungswelle gerüstet.

Sollte es IBM wirklich schaffen die Tools von SPSS nahtlos in Ihr bestehendes Portfolio zu integrieren wird es zukünftig für die grössten Konkurrenten Oracle, SAP, Microsoft schwer werden IBM den Rang als "beste ganzheitliche Lösung" abzulaufen.

Ich bin gespannt wie es weiter geht...

Freitag, 12. Juni 2009

Audit Informationen werden nicht immer geschrieben

Falls man sich wundert warum trotz korrekt eingestellter IBM® Cognos® 8 Konfiguration plötzlich kein Auditing und keine Informationen mehr in das cogserver.log geschrieben werden, so wird man bei näherer Suche im cogserver.log evtl. den Hinweis finden, dass der für den Log Server Port verwendete Port noch in Benutzung ist.

Dieses Szenario passiert relativ häufig in Produktionsumgebungen, wenn der IBM® Cognos® Service auf dem System zu schnell neugestartet wurde. Dies kann bei Windows relativ leicht passieren, wenn man auf die Schaltfäche "Neustarten" drückt anstatt den Dienst zu stoppen und ein paar Sekunden zu warten um anschliessend neu zu starten.

In Produktionsumgebungen empfiehlt es sich also immer erst bis zum vollständigen Abbau aller BiBus Prozesse zu warten... was in der Regel auch ein paar Sekunden dauert.

Alternativ kann man natürlich auch gleich ein Batch schreiben, welches einem die Adminitrative Tätigkeit des Bereinigens der wichtigesten Temp Verzeichnisse erledigt.

Wichtige Temp Verzeichnisse sind z.b. \data\cqe\RTModels und \temp (das \temp Verzeichnis kann auch in IBM® Cognos® Configuration auf einen anderen Ort definiert werden). Diese sollten aber nur bereinigt (die Verzeichnisse selbst dürfen nicht gelöscht werden!) werden, wenn der Dienst heruntergefahren wurde.

Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009

Vertical Text with IBM® Cognos® Report Studio 8

Eine oft gewünschte Funktionalität in IBM® Cognos ® Reports ist, dass Texte (wie in Excel) vertikal dargestellt werden sollen. Diese Funktionalität ist durchaus (wenn auch sehr eingeschränkt) möglich in IBM® Cognos ® 8.

Die dargestellte Methode ist nur in IE ab Version 6.x darstellbar und - da wir hier html tags verwenden - nur im HTML Format sichtbar.

Nachteile: Begrenzt auf HTML Layout in IE. Schlecht lesbar mit vielen Schriftarten.
Vorteile: Texte werden nach wie vor in PDF etc. dargestellt. Sie werden lediglich horizontal und nicht vertikal angezeigt.

*For Questions regarding to IBM® pls read the Legal Notice

Speicherplatzverbrauch und BIBusTKServerMain_*.dmp Dateien

Häufig habe ich schon das Szenario bei Kunden erlebt, dass der zur Verfügung stehende Speicher auf der Partition des Installationsverzeichnisses von Cognos® 8.x fast vollständig aufgebraucht war.

Aus diesem Grund ist es ratsam die Dumps im Fehlerfall für den BiBus Prozess auszuschalten.
Im normalen Betrieb "sollte" der Prozess keine Dump Files schreiben, denn diese werden ja (wie der Name schon sagt) nur geschrieben, wenn eine Exception in der Berichtsverarbeitung (oder Validierung) aufgetreten ist, die der BiBus Prozess nicht abfangen kann. (In der Praxis kann dies aber leider je nach Umgebung relativ häufig passieren)

Die Datei zum Abschalten der Dumps liegt im configuration Verzeichnis (Version 8.4) und nennt sich

Die Datei ist gut dokumentiert der Standardwert lautet wie folgt

<configuration><env_var value="2:2" name="CCL_HWE_ABORT"></configuration>

und sollte auf

<configuration><env_var value="0:0" name="CCL_HWE_ABORT"></configuration>

geändert werden um die Dumps vollständig auszuschalten.

Die Änderung ist mit dem nächsten Start des / der Bibus Prozesse gültig. Der Application Server muss also nicht vollständig heruntergefahren werden.